Friday, December 14, 2012

The dream~snøw

Well I woke up with a very wierd collection of dreams. This is the story they told.

I can't really remember if this was for real but I'm pretty sure it was fake. My window had like. Two glowing eyes peering into my bedroom. I was shocked and also paralyzed when I saw that. Now the next one which happened very shortly after the last one.

My parents and a couple of their friends went out to a ... I would say a bar but the place was so vauge to me. Other than that I happened to stumble upon a playground and being the person that I am I go check it out. Bad thing to do in my dream I guess. He showed up. Little farther away from the playground was a wooded area. I payed no attention to it. But that's when he showed up right in front of me. I tried to run but couldn't escape Him. Everywhere I turned and every chance I got to get out was foiled all because he kept popping into my head. And during that dream I kept hearing...something say.

"Forget, you have to forget. It's the only way you can possibly beat this thing."

That's when I awoke.

I'm still trying to figure out what the first one meant and the second made that pretty clear, but the second didn't seem like a dream it was all to real.

I still await back a move Aeon. And I don't think I have any advice for the members of The Core Solstice. Other than dont always trust what your head tells you. In my case I probably should, because I remember seeing him yesterday in my backyard I might have to start running soon. But only time will tell.

Oh and I won't be able to post anything  till tonight...if I make it back from my trip in one peace.


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