Monday, December 24, 2012


what the fuck happened to me yesterday. i will not be backspacing or autocorrecting to show how fucking hurt i am. well i guess i will explain what happened in my eyes.

that night i made my tumblr aeon sent me a message on it and i rmemeber looking over my shoulder outside my window and seeing a man. no not Him but i would think one of his lackeys. i thought nothing of it and went back to my usual buisness.ouch. about an hour or so he was inside of my house. at that moment i got pissed and ran at him with a knife...all i remember from there is.ouch for fucks sake.

son of a bitch i had to take a pill still hurts though now where did i leave off on.

oh yeah i ran at him with a knife and he grabbed my arm and     disarmed me.this guys was no lackey he had a mind of his own. he knew how to disarm me and i dont think proxies nowadays know how to do that. no this guy was something different.

after he disarmed me he grabbed my neck,i really dont like people grabbing my neck, and lifted me up and thats about where i lost all memory.

i woke up like 5 minutes ago in the middle of my street right infront of my house. as soon as i got up i walked into my house to see everyone was still asleep. all i know is that i have this massive headache a bruised rib a bruised neck and im sore from arms to legs. i need to read some things to see if he posted anything while i was...taken over...i think...anyways mother fucking god damn piece of shit.

im sorry for all the cussing its just it hurts like a motherfucker.

i know your close slender man come the fuck out already! i can feel you your close i know you are!


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