Sunday, December 30, 2012

Hey Guys! Aeon here! Well just to inform you, Scorpion is FUCKING DEAD! Yeah, he is DEAD. I told him but Nooooo, he did not want to FUCKING LISTEN, so he is dead, FUCK OFF.

Friday, December 28, 2012

well i think we're getting ready for a stand off here. he's testing us trying to destory what has become. If there is a higher power than us and him help us. I am ready to fight to the death for my family and my future. who is with me. The fighter and a lover scorpoin.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

In the darkest part of the longest night,
Three young fighters rose to fight
Against the man in the midnight suit;
In this all three were resolute.

First, the Disciple, the beauteous maid,
Her hair tied for battle, in a binding braid,
Wielding the wood sword, with symbol inscribed,
And armed with the knowledge that she had imbibed.

Next, the Jester, the clever young lad,
Guarded by the mask that he had.
Armed with nought but pure imagination,
The power of destruction and of creation.

Then, the Gambler, the strong, strapping man,
The one who had put together this plan.
He too had a mask, he too had a sword,
But his true power came from the written word.

Last, the Monster, the villain of the tale,
A man but too slender, too tall and too pale.
Holding the power that none comprehend,
Having no desires but to bring about the end

Of the three young fighters who stood in his path.
He first struck the Jester, who dodged with a laugh,
Then struck back with eggs and water balloons,
The likes of it unseen since 50s cartoons.

Second, the Disciple, with the strength of her back,
Calmly side-stepped the villain's next attack,
Then cleaved with the wood sword, the symbol defiled,
Which caused the monster to suddenly recoil.

Finally, the Gambler, raised his blade high,
'Til the tip of it was ready to sever the sky,
Then he brought it down low, with a whistling sound,
And severed the fiend's arm, which fell to the ground.

Shock gripped the scene and silence descended,
Hope filled the three; could the nightmare be ended?
But the monster hit back and knocked them aside
And, without sound, vanished into the night.

In the darkest part of the longest night,
Three young fighters rose to fight
Against the man in the midnight suit;
In this all three were resolute.

The beauty, the brain, the brawn and the beast,
Went their separate ways as the sun in the east
Rose on the land, spreading its light,
Cleansing away the evidence of the fight.

Maybe one day, the three'd meet again,
But would they meet as enemies or friends?
Either way, on that morning, as the sun did rise,
The three now held hope of the monster's demise.
I just thought id let you all know that I was the one who posted it not reach and by I  mean Snow. a little something to bring inspiration, but do take to consideration that this tale is only fictional there is no beauty, brain, and brawn but there is a beast i can give you all that.
pay attention to detail and please dont take anything to heart

Monday, December 24, 2012

I dont know....

i want to help prophet more than anything. but snow made a promise to me. if any one of them died, we would drop what were doing and help. snow is now back in the core solstice. if you want to know what is going on with prophet go to    if you want to see mine its   please if you are out there, especially in texas, please leave a comment, please, we can help  -  ÆØŇ


what the fuck happened to me yesterday. i will not be backspacing or autocorrecting to show how fucking hurt i am. well i guess i will explain what happened in my eyes.

that night i made my tumblr aeon sent me a message on it and i rmemeber looking over my shoulder outside my window and seeing a man. no not Him but i would think one of his lackeys. i thought nothing of it and went back to my usual buisness.ouch. about an hour or so he was inside of my house. at that moment i got pissed and ran at him with a knife...all i remember from there is.ouch for fucks sake.

son of a bitch i had to take a pill still hurts though now where did i leave off on.

oh yeah i ran at him with a knife and he grabbed my arm and     disarmed me.this guys was no lackey he had a mind of his own. he knew how to disarm me and i dont think proxies nowadays know how to do that. no this guy was something different.

after he disarmed me he grabbed my neck,i really dont like people grabbing my neck, and lifted me up and thats about where i lost all memory.

i woke up like 5 minutes ago in the middle of my street right infront of my house. as soon as i got up i walked into my house to see everyone was still asleep. all i know is that i have this massive headache a bruised rib a bruised neck and im sore from arms to legs. i need to read some things to see if he posted anything while i was...taken over...i think...anyways mother fucking god damn piece of shit.

im sorry for all the cussing its just it hurts like a motherfucker.

i know your close slender man come the fuck out already! i can feel you your close i know you are!


Sunday, December 23, 2012

.... . .----. ... / --. --- -. .

Snow is gone i just thought I'd let you all know.

He will be back in due time.

i just thought I'd let you all know he put up a good fight but i knew I'd break him sooner or later.

I've been following him since the start of all of this.

You to Aeon.

I even showed myself to you two but snow was the only one to see.

my name?

He wont let me say it.

but he will let me tell you the first letter.


Saturday, December 22, 2012

well then...

Well Aeon i'd like to say tHat your last post was do i put it... intereSting. i will take that into my heart and treasure it always(in a way not like love but like a friends last words).

oh and one last thinG Aeon don't steal my phrases let me pOint my 2 out.

1.I'm only here to help atteNtion to detail and please don't take anything to heart.

i use the second most of thEm time and the first when i'm giving help to one or more of the group members.

well i guess i should say pay attention to detail and please don't take anything to heart but oh well...oh wait i just did like twice.


A quote - ÆØŇ

" There is no magic in knowing, but our greatest fears lie within the unknown. Fear grows stronger, grows with your fear, and thus creates a monster. Can you rid of this creature? You created it. You can destroy it. "   - ?                              

- ÆØŇ, Only here to help

Friday, December 21, 2012


I'm not going to elaborate on the symbol, but into what Aeon started. these 2 girls are friends of mine. Scorpion was the one to figure all of this out for us, but I'm trying not to talk to them anymore. Aeon didn't really want me elaborating into this, and i mean hell, i just need to inform you as to what we are getting ourselves into here with them. nothing much other than they are 2 girls that are...pals of mine and have the same occurances as us. look into my own personal blog if you wish it's at
this is ~snow signing off...

pay attention to detail and pleas dont take anything to heart.

Thursday, December 20, 2012

The late warning...

I'm sorry I didn't say this earlier.

The solstice is tomorrow(from where I live) He will be stronger than ever. There is nothing we can do to stop it...
I can only say good luck and try to stay out if sight because during the solstice it's like he is on steroids. Nothing can save you if he happens to attack you. I'm not saying you will die I'm just saying you might end up in the hospital.

I know this solstice will be big for Him because he's been quiet for at least a week only his proxies show up.
I think he's waiting for it.

Again I'm sorry for the late warning I would have told you all sooner but I was thinking as to if it could really be him just holding all his power out for the solstice.

Oh and one last that it's Christmas break for us(I mean for the group)we can post more often and school work can't really stop us now.

Really long post on my part I guess. I'm only using my iPod so it took me like 6 hours to type this all down.
If any of you all are wondering,"how is he still sane in all of this?" Aeon has been teaching me how to control my mind and kinda just block out a lot if things. When I feel like I'm going to go insane I stop everything and take a deep breath and try to relax myself. It's hard at first but it becomes easy. Nothing really much left to say right now other than I'm getting a little sleep, but I can't sleep the solstice Is so close and I don't want him hovering over me in my sleep waiting for me to wake up so I can witness my own death.

Pay attention to detail and please don't take anything to heart

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Thank you

Thank you for making a valid move now I can make mine. Pawn to B3.
About the subject of the other 2 I think I'm going to let aeon elaborate on that one.
And please feel free to comment wether it be a good or bad one it lets us know how many people are actually reading and not just skimming.

Pay attention to detail and please don't take anything to heart.


Restatement »Aeon«

I know I dont post on this blog as much as i should, but ive been keeping up with my own lately. ive made a restatement on my move, snow.  My move is pawn to e6 i think its valid im not sure. We are just beginning. I want to check out this..."place" with snow, it may serve usefull to us later. also, we have discovered two other people involved in this but we are not coming in contact until we know exactly who and/or what we are dealing with here. i will post later on this subject.


About the operator symbol avalesca, now dead(let's take a moment of silence for the thinkers...ok let's carry on),has touched up more onto this here is the link

For runners if your not interested skip down.

The symbol makes Him think he's being stared at, and he doesn't like being stared at. Some how when we stare at him he is rooted into our dimension(note he is from the fourth) which makes move very slowly and or not at all. As for the symbol he thinks that it's a face as it is a face with an x through the middle.

Now for the thinker

Like avalesca says she thinks that it's his name. She has a lot of proof to back it up but if your a runner you have to follow a lot other rules as well. Thinkers don't like the symbol at all because they think it summons him. But I guess you have to figure out who you are.

Runners don't wish to fight
Thinkers research on how to kill him
Fighters only want to protect their loved ones and wish to kill him.

Pay attention to detail and please don't take anything to heart.


Monday, December 17, 2012

Sorry/invalid move

I'm sorry for not posting stuff up today other than the short one today I got..."caught up" with a couple things.

Aeon your move is invalid since I move my pawn to A4 your move makes us look like we are on the same team. Think your move through again.

I will try to elaborate on my earlier post tomorrow morning if not afternoon. Right now I need some sleep I'm tired and I really don't want to see him again. No let me rephrase that...his "minions" I should say. Goodnight to all.

Pay attention to detail and please don't take anything to heart.


Theories that have proven... Helpful

If your reading this you probably already know about the operator symbol, circle x. In a runners case it has proven helpful, but in a thinkers case they think it just attracts him. However a fighter could care less for its purpose in all of this. I can't really say anymore on this topic till later because I don't feel like typing all of this on an iPod so I will touch up on this later. ~snøw

Sunday, December 16, 2012

The beginning of the end

I am scorpoin the gatekeeper. I will protect the knowledge that we have collected in time of need i will fight for my world and my past. We as a group have almost dissipated is as if we're on our own. We ready ot run if there is anyone out there that believes in him or has seen him comment and help us defefet him once and for all - scorpion

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Something new...I guess~snøw

Very short post I should say. Since I'm not in the group I can't really pertain to this blog anymore, but I made a vow to myself I'd help the others out. I hope you guys don't mind me posting some advice and or posting some personal stuff to get off my back. Starting tomorrow I will start to post some advice on outrunning,fighting, and mabye even figure out some special things about Him.

I really don't know why I asked if I could use this blog, I made it for you guys but I guess common courtesy.

Aeon remember that 9*30 thing I don't think it pertains to that place I don't even think it goes on a map. I think it's a date the only thing missing is the year. We need to talk later about this okay.

Scorpion I'm sorry for not texting back I had a long night that day I only posted some comments because I woke up from nightmares.
And I shall leave you all with a goodnight...hopefully

Pay attention to detail...please don't take anything to heart


Friday, December 14, 2012

The dream~snøw

Well I woke up with a very wierd collection of dreams. This is the story they told.

I can't really remember if this was for real but I'm pretty sure it was fake. My window had like. Two glowing eyes peering into my bedroom. I was shocked and also paralyzed when I saw that. Now the next one which happened very shortly after the last one.

My parents and a couple of their friends went out to a ... I would say a bar but the place was so vauge to me. Other than that I happened to stumble upon a playground and being the person that I am I go check it out. Bad thing to do in my dream I guess. He showed up. Little farther away from the playground was a wooded area. I payed no attention to it. But that's when he showed up right in front of me. I tried to run but couldn't escape Him. Everywhere I turned and every chance I got to get out was foiled all because he kept popping into my head. And during that dream I kept hearing...something say.

"Forget, you have to forget. It's the only way you can possibly beat this thing."

That's when I awoke.

I'm still trying to figure out what the first one meant and the second made that pretty clear, but the second didn't seem like a dream it was all to real.

I still await back a move Aeon. And I don't think I have any advice for the members of The Core Solstice. Other than dont always trust what your head tells you. In my case I probably should, because I remember seeing him yesterday in my backyard I might have to start running soon. But only time will tell.

Oh and I won't be able to post anything  till tonight...if I make it back from my trip in one peace.


Tuesday, December 11, 2012

May the games begin~snøw

If you think im one of his little puppets you're sadly mistaken. I ain't an agent either Aeon. I know you want to protect her but the sad truth is your deceiving yourself she's still here you've got to know that and I'm not lieing I know you don't trust me right now but I want to help you. This little game of ours is chess Aeon and the terms are every piece you get from me you get a answer. Any answer you choose, but I can only answer to the best of my abilities. And Aeon if you really love her then why are you doing something we told you not to. That's not love anymore if you truly love her will end it tomorrow. Oh and one last thing. Pawn to A4

I agree

I say yes, I'll play your little game but not because I want to. But because there is someone who I need to protect who may already be gone.

The reason~snow

Well like I said this morning I was going to give you guys a reason as to why I left the The Core Solstice. I left for the reason that one of the members is co-in siding with someone of my past that i didn't want to bring up. Oh and Aeon it was actually you that was the reason you just haven't noticed what your doing wrong.

As for Scorpion and Cloud, I wish you guys the best of luck I will still be here for you guys but it will have to be secretively. Nothing against you Aeon but I have put you through more than 1 test within this groups life span, and you have seemed to fail all of them. Like I told you before Aeon pay attention to detail, look at everything closely, know when to tell a lie and to read a lie. Now Aeon i leave you with these parting word. Do you want to play a game all i want is a yes or no, no questions asked.

Some words for Scorpion, You have a choice Scorpion you can either join me or you can stay with him. Or i will give a third option to forget about all of this and or watch this all pan out from the sidelines.

To Cloud, I'm sorry for bringing you into this i really didn't mean to. But now that I'm trying to separate us my words to you (Whenever you do read this)"you have the same choices but i know what you will pick."

And to any runners out there don't feel bad to comment i want to tally up a marker, but not just any runners i want to hear from some in the area of Texas. I want to know that there are actually people reading this and not just skimming through it. That's all i have not a really good reason to leave but i know whats right and wrong and i can't be with someone i can't trust for very long.

Im in

Im with u till the end snow. May something help us

The warroir

Im the warroir my name is scorpoin. Trust is a key factor in this group some think of us as being crazy but isnt everyone a little off. I know i had dreams of doing things that i could never do. I have nothing to lose thats why i joined to be apart of something bigger than myself. To everyone out there i swear to kill the tall man or to my last breath i will fight to the end. To the runners
We need your help.

I'm done~Snow

I'm leaving i can't really say why, but it has to do with a member of the group. I will probably still post on here as i was the founder of this blog(and group),and i dont really want all of it to go to waste. If any of the members are reading this i will explain later and i will probably make a long entry on this later im just not up to it right now~Snow

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Just Once

I'm only going to mention this name once. This entire blog
revolves around him. Some of you may commonly know him as Slenderman, or the tall man, or Der Ritten. Now word of caution, do not say his name. It's dangerous. ~Aeon

The beginning~Snow

I'm starting with a group of friends, we call ourselves The Core Solstice, my friend, his name will be Aeon, got me into all of this I'm pretty sure you will find out what this blog is all about sooner or later. The rest of the members will be blogging on this as well so we will be sure to leave our names towards the end of each of our posts. I will start with my story. It started when Aeon and I were just walking down the halls in our school when we both look to our right and we see what we believe to be a hallowed. From there it just got out of hand. Dreams, first hand experiences, and waking up in the middle of the night hearing strange noises. This is all on my part though the other members have experienced around the same thing but a little different in a way. I will go over my dream now. My dream is all about That thing hovering over a little boy near a tree just there staring at him but not staring at him. The other is me texting a lady friend of mine but as the dream progresses she become more and more demonic. Her eyes turn the color black, her cheeks get Dark blue veins that pop out, and her pictures keep flashing through my head in the dream but she was making demonic smiles and tilting her head in a fashion not possible to man(or woman).Not only the dream occur but my dog happens to bark at what seems like nothing but I know my dog is smarter than to bark at nothing. Other than that i have nothing to you people other than i will await my fellow members to post on here as well and wait for other things to happen i wish the rest of you the best of luck with your lives, and to my fellow members of The Core Solstice don't hold back on your experiences and pack a bag just in case you know what it needs to hold. ~Snow