Sunday, July 7, 2013

So long. Its been so long

The group disbanded. Scorpion did cloud. Aeon now goes by the name of enix. Im still snøw....the only one who hasn't changed....yet I'm the one who's changed the most. Where to start? Lets break this into pieces.

1. Regarding phantøm
Slenderfuck has evolved and has learned how to put proxies into humans.  Yea I fucking said it. Its not good having one inside you either. Its either cause he wants to slowly kill you and make you think you're insane or because he wants to see if combining two people together in one body will increase everything you do by like ten percent. Remember these are just theories but they're all still highly likely. Ok about phantøm....hes one with me. As in hes inside me. As in me and him are in the same body. Two minds in one body. Its fine if hes quiet, which he almost always is, but when he gets cant shut him the fuck up till he gets blood.

On that one

2. Our dissapearance
I left the group which you all know since long before to test a theory of mine. To see if I was what was holding the group together, theory has proven right on two different occasions, along with that you should know that ive been spending time on tumblr. While I was there I found a sort of "family" all containing proxies inside them like me. After a couple months our proxies came out and talked to each other (by came out I mean they used our bodies as a means to talk to each other) and we found out that all of the proxies happened to know each other, but sadly a lot of them lost memory and only a few genuinely knew each other. Here are the names of all the proxies thus far
That's the family. Here are the proxies that disbanded from the group and or died fighting.
After I left the group went a little quiet. And by a little I mean weeks without a word spoken. But now enix is trying to rally the troops.

I think this might be the last one. Sorry im typing this as I go.

3. The lords and champions.
About a month ago the lords showed up. With the lords appearances means they have to choose a champion as a representative so to speak. I currently have a champion of chaos watching me and his name is horus. With each lord they're all looking for a side to choose and all they usually do is watch from a distance. Our side or slenderfucks side.

Enough that....what else....oh yea

Enix about us actually scaring slenderfuck. I think that because we actually got reads on this. people believed in a cause that we could hurt him. Hes a tulpa so if we think we cant hurt him then we cant but if we do, and trust me a lot of people have to think this, we can successfully hurt Him. I think thats why he got scared of the group more so me cause I was the leader. Cause we where exploiting one of his weaknesses.

This is snøw crøss signing off....god its been forever since ive done the quote
Pay attention to detail and don't take anything to heart

Don't beg for things......

Do it yourself.........

Or else you wont get anything......


  1. Well woopdie fucking doo. its snow live in the flesh. there are a lot of things i need to inform you about. oh and if youre wondering, its me Enix. WE NEED TO TALK.


  2. You sound kind of angry. Did I do something wrong? -snøw

  3. Its not what you did wrong. Its what you're not doing that's pissing me off. Can we speak more privately. I don't have a phone. Just bring back your tumblr and this would all be so much easier. There are lots of important things I need to tell you about, and I can't do it here. They are falling apart, and I can't be there all the time. Time's running out. You need to hurry.


  4. i can only come reply to things at night. this is the only time i'll be on at day time. i come from 2-3am and stay til 6am. only every other day though. i'll be on today. try to stay awake.


  5. I know they're falling apart but they don't ask for me so why should I go back? My lifes going to shit anyways....
    ~snøw crøss

  6. if you bothered to try to stay awake, we could talk this out. there are important things i need to tell you. if youre on, then respond. just please. don't be like the others. don't lose your flame too.
